
Wednesday, April 20, 2011

What day is it?

I really thought I would be able to blog everyday when I started my 30 day challenge but, as you may have noticed, I did not.  I guess I really underestimated 3 things.
1.  My ability to procrastinate
2.  The amount of crap interesting things I would have to get to do for school
3.  How much the first one affected the time it took to do the second one
But here I am! I have been working out so I haven't given up on the challenge.  In fact, I have lost 8 pounds so far! (YAY me!!!) I have just been so busy and what little spare time I have I spend with Olivia or watching the DVR after she's gone to bed.  Then, I stay up too late and sleep in when I'm supposed to be at bootcamp at 5:30am.  So then I go at 6:30 7:30, barely make it back in time to get a shower, dry my hair and make my 3 eggs and 2 pieces of toast.  Then I am so rushed that I overfill and overtamp my espresso so my latte is gross.  Then it is off to class- death by powerpoint with no caffeine which makes me cranky.  I think what this really means is- no, not that I should skip the DVR and go to bed earlier. no, not that I should get up the first, or second, or third time my alarm goes off. but that I really want need a superautomatic espresso machine.  So, St Nic... If you're reading this (and I'm sure that you are not) this would make an excellent mother's day gift! And really, it's a gift for you! 1- You drink as many lattes as I do and 2- I won't be so cranky :)

Wednesday, April 13, 2011


I have been working out really hard and trying to watch what I eat.  I know, I know... It's good for me but I haven't had a cupcake in weeks! So, I thought I would do a little experimenting in the kitchen. 
These are my ideas:
lemon chiffon
strawberry lemonade
strawberry daiquiri
mint chocolate chip
and some coffee flavor with a creative name
or I could just keep trying to replicate Cuppies' boom boom pow

I'm not sure where to start.  Which one sounds best to you? After I create my recipe I will need some guinea pigs... um, I mean taste testers.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011


So, I went back to bootcamp... bad idea! I can't even describe what I am feeling right now.  It's a cross between sheer pain and numbness.  We did something called lungicide.  It's just what it sounds like- siucide by lunges.  OUCH!  Also, it kind of sucked because absolutely everyone in there was thin and beautiful... and totally in shape.   I will say that I am proud of myself for finishing though.  I was panting and groaning just to make it through.  By the end, everyone was cheering me on.  I felt like I was on the biggest loser or something except that I was the only fat one. 
I can hardly feel my legs but when I move, like to stand up, I feel pain.  No pain, no gain, right?  Oh, and my arms... Some of it may be from last night but they hurt too.  Between our lungicides we had to do pushups, which I still suck at.  I can type but it hurts to move the mouse so excuse me if I don't spellcheck.  Is it too early for a nap?

Monday, April 11, 2011

Day 11 no pain, no gain

I really couldn't get the motivation to start workout 2 with Jillian today.  I'm not sure why.  Maybe it's because the weather was so nice! or because I had so much schoolwork to do, or I wanted to hang out with Olivia, or...
Well, I have made enough excuses to see where this was headed.  I knew the longer I sat and thought about it, the less likely it was that I would actually do it.  When you work out at home you have all the time in the world.  "I'll do it while she naps." "I'll do it before dinner." "I'll do it before bed."  So, I decided to just get out of the house.  I went to one of those bootcamp classes and let me tell you I thought I was going to die!  I knew I wasn't in great shape but I have been exercising more lately.  I was already getting tired during the warm-up.  Obviously I couldn't keep up with the regulars but I just did my best.  I got the times mixed up so I was very early and hadn't eaten yet. Thank God!!! I would have definitely seen that again.  blagh! I am so glad I went because it just lets me know how much further I need to push myself.  So, I'm going to stop counting the days.  I am going to keep working out with Jillian but whenever I can get away I am going to bootcamp.  That is if I survive :)  I am worn out!  I am ready for bed but my toddler isn't.  What do I do?! 

Where have I been?!

Days 7, 8, 9, 10...
I have not a whole lot of time.  School and clinicals have got me busy and everyone in my house got sick- including me.  I have barely squeezed in my workouts but I did it.  I am improving daily! I'm ready to move on to phase 2 of the 30 day shred tonight.  I'm still kind of weak but I'll let you know how it goes.  the number on the scale has not moved a whole lot but I feel a bit thinner.  I have some jeans I barely fit into that are comfortable now and I have much more energy.  I still have to talk myself into getting started but once I do I am so glad!
Until next time

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

I dunno what happened

I wrote something almost a week ago about my 30 day challenge. I saved it as a draft and agonized over posting it. I wrote about the first few days before I posted any of it.  "Why?" you ask. Because in the first post I revealed my actual weight.  It was really hard to do for me because I have gained so much and I'm kind of embarrassed.  Anyway, I finally posted 4 posts at once. I guess I was hoping to bury the first one with my true weight so people may not see it.  I asked myself "What's the point?" I shouldn't have buried it because the whole reason I wanted to put it out there is so that I would feel like I would be held accountable. I would have to do something about my weight because now everybody knows what it is.  Today I went back to see if I had any comments on it and I can't find it anywhere.  I don't know what happened but now I realize that no one has even seen it.  So, here is my first post.  I'm a little nervous about people reading it.  I've decided that there will be people who are really supportive and people who aren't. Hopefully those who aren't won't comment and the supportive people will.

Day 6

Up an at'em! I woke up at 6:30ish today to workout.  I had a fight with my alarm clock but now I feel great!  Well, except that I have had no caffeine this morning. 
We'll see how long this natural high lasts before my caffeine addiction takes over and makes me cranky.  So, day 6...
Workout went well.  I am seeing improvements everyday! I lost a little weight last week but I found it this weekend.  I overindulged a bit.  I had 3 showers to attend, all with delicious food. Plus, I went to the firefighters ball and imbibed more than I should have.  So, like I said before, the number on the scale is not that important but it sure would be nice.  Oh well. 
Today is test day- UGH!!! Hopefully my endorphins kicking in will stimulate my brain and help me remember all this material.  Wish me luck!

Monday, April 4, 2011

Day 5...again.

OK, you caught me.  I totally skipped my workout yesterday so I'm on day 5 again.  I had some very good reasons excuses though.  I absolutely could not find the time to fit it in.  Well, I could have woken up earlier but I went to the firefighters ball and needed to recover. 
I also had a couple other things to do but the worst was my paper.  I had a 5 page formal paper due in my foundations of nursing class.  By the way, I hate APA.  I can not remember the last formal paper I had to write.  I thought about just losing a few points here and there because I was tired of formatting it.  One look at the grading criteria changed my mind.  50% of my grade was dependent on APA and if it wasn't written in that format none of the content would even be considered. UGH! Like I said, I had a lot of excuses.
So, today I am back on track.  I'm going to try not to miss any more workouts but I think that break is just what I needed.  I put off my workout again tonight and even considered skipping it (surprise, surprise) because Livie was under my feet.  I turned it on anyway and decided to just do as much as I can.  When I started moving she would copy me.  It was so cute to see her boxing and doing windmills.  Abwork was hard with a toddler sitting on my stomach but she thought it was fun. Other than that it was the BEST workout I have had so far.  I didn't take any breaks, not even for a second.  I'm still doing girlie pushups but I can do so many more and my endurance has improved greatly! Tomorrow I am waking up at 6:30 again to workout.  I hate getting up any earlier than I have to but I have to make time for exercise early in the day.  The longer I wait, the more likely I am to skip it altogether.  I'm supposed to "run" a 5K this weekend too but I don't really think I'm ready.  I guess I'll find out.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Day 5?

My legs are SOOOOO sore.  I'm not sure if it was all the squats and lunges I've done the last few days or the hours of dancing from last night.  If ever there was a day to skip my workout, it would be today! I got some nice comments that help me see what I should do but geeeeez! I just want to relax today.  I am waiting for this to become a habit instead of a chore.  Does anyone know how long that takes?  I'm posting this now but I probably won't workout until Livie is in bed for the night.  I know I shouldn't but I am putting it off as long as I can.  Meanwhile, I have a paper due in the morning that isn't going to write itself.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Day 4

I did not really feel like waking up at 6:30 on a Saturday morning to workout but I did.  I have so much going on today! I am co-hosting a bridal shower for my very good friend, Becca today and I am going with Nic to the firefighters' banquet. I've got to pack Livie up for an overnight stay at her Meme's house and somehow squeeze in a few minutes to work on my paper that is due MONDAY. Yikes!!! I better get on the ball. 
So todays workout went well.  I never really want to do it but today it was a bit easier.  I'm even doing better at pushups! I mean, I still stink at it.  I do the girlie ones on my knees but I can do a lot more than I could do just 4 days ago.  This one is short because I have to get going if I expect to get everything done today.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Day 3

A couple days ago I told everyone my weight.  That was really hard for me to do and honestly, it was kind of humiliating.  The reason I did that was for days like this.  Day 3 was hard.  I went to bed pretty late last night so I slept in this morning and didn't workout.  I decided I would do it while Livie was sleeping but I took a nap with her. Don't judge me- I was SO tired.  We woke up and played outside, went out to Tinker, had dinner, hung out with daddy.  Next thing I know it's bed time and I still hadn't "shredded"  Nic put her to bed and I still didn't do it because I didn't want to be too loud- I think that was my thousandth excuse today.  So, I'm sitting there on the couch playing a game on my phone saying "after this one... No, after this one" Then I thought that I could just do it twice tomorrow. Only, tomorrow I am SUPER busy and will struggle to fit in just one short workout. Finally I get my ass off the couch and just do it.  I'm glad no one was there with me or I would have started whining outloud.  I wanted to quit before I even started... and this is only day 3! What is wrong with me?! I'll tell you what is wrong- I'm out of shape and I have a hard time motivating myself. 
When I want to just sit back and watch whatever is on the DVR, I know I can't.  I told the world (all 12 of my readers) I was going to do something so I better do it.  I completed the workout and noticed that I'm actually improving! So, thank you! I have gotten a lot of support and it keeps me going.  It also lets me know someone is actually reading this thing ;)  and holds me accountable.