
Friday, May 3, 2013

I'm sore from watching TV!

Yeah, that's right. I'm sore from watching TV. Yesterday I wasn't able to get a good workout in so I decided to workout during commercials. I have decided two things... I am SO badly out of shape and I watch entirely too much TV. So I didn't even turn it on today! I can hardly sit without assistance and my arms and chest make it hard to hold my baby. It's Friday so I only missed Fashion Star but my DVR is so full and ill probably never catch up. This commercial workout thing has really got me rethinking my priorities... and my recording preferences. I thought I would go to bed earlier since I didn't watch TV after the girls went to bed. Nope! I found other crap to do. Oh well, baby steps.

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Our 6 week weight loss challenge!!!

Yesterday I started a new weight loss journey.  Day one was great! The temperature was in the 80's. The sun was out. I had just dropped Pippa off at MDO. I ran for the first time in as long as I can remember. It felt amazing! Er, I mean it sucked (or I did at least) but I felt great afterwards for doing it. I'm using the couch to 5K app and you only run for a minute at a time. That's right- a minute. Still, it was hard. I guess I have been on the couch for a little too long.  Well, today I took that excitement and couldn't wait to hit the track.  Oh wait, did I mention it was in the low 40's when I got out today?! Oh and freezing rain?! Yep! Gotta love that Oklahoma weather.  I hate running on a treadmill but I was determined to get my workout in. I took Liv to school and took Pippa to the child watch at the Y. I got on an elliptical machine and really started getting into a groove. Less than 10 minutes later they were calling me over the intercom to come pick up my screaming baby. Saint Nic has been drill sergeanting for almost a month. We have not seen him since he left with the exception of about an hour last Sunday when he came home to run in the marathon.  Both of my girls are having some major separation issues so I wasn't totally surprised.
I would say it is the effort that counts but, in this case that isn't true. I still had to get my workout in. I decided that I would just have to do it at home. Oh, home :/ that place where I have dishes and laundry and babies and a full DVR. What can I do?! My great idea? I'll workout during commercials. So I decide to do 10 push-ups (the girlie kind of course), 50 crunches, 10 front lunges with each leg, and 10 side squats on each side. Sometimes I added the resistance weight of a crying infant, who obviously does not want me to exercise. I am determined to get this workout in... and watch some TV. So I had to wait until the girls were in bed. It's late. I'm out of shape and I watch a lot of TV. I'm exhausted! I didn't even finish my shows because there are too many damn commercial breaks!!! Only good can come of this idea. Either I will get a lot of exercise in or I will watch a whole lot less TV. Win-win!

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

And so it begins... again (day one)

I've been feeling especially gross lately- just unfit, unhealthy, uncomfortable and honestly a little unhappy. I'm tired of feeling like that and it has been snowballing. This past weekend Saint Nic ran the 12K portion in the memorial marathon relay. I felt so proud taking my girls to watch him race (he did great by the way!) It got me thinking. I used to love to run, not that I was ever any good at it but, I loved it. Now I probably couldn't run 1/4 mile. Add to that a spontaneous trip to great wolf lodge- what?! I have to get in a swimsuit? I didn't even have one that fit me. I went with an ill fitting suit. I decided that no one knew me there so I just let all my insecurities go and had fun with my girls. It did spark something inside me though. 
I am on a mission to get fit, get healthy, and get happy! Yes, I have done this before.  That is proof that this is not a quickfix rather a process that takes constant care. I've started this weight loss journey several times before, many of which were quite successful.  Somewhere along the line I just fizzled out I guess. So here I am... Day one... Again
Today I started the C25K training again. Normally I breeze through the first few weeks but this time even day 1 was hard. Slow and steady, right? Ill let you know how it goes. 
So I decided it was time to start a new weight loss journey.  Normally I would wait until Monday.  This is obviously because diets, training plans, and well just about anything you have to talk yourself up for can't start in the middle of the week! Well, tonight I saw a post on Facebook about a 6 week weight loss challenge that started today... Yes, a Wednesday! Can you believe it?! I participated in this once before and came in 3rd or 4th place. Pretty impressive, huh? I can't remember how much I lost but I found it all and then some. Well here they were starting on a Wednesday. I guess the timing couldn't have been better. I have no excuses now. The group may have changed a bit from the last time but basically is the same. A high school friend who lives in Texas started this up. I only knew a couple of girls in the group but we all would chat, tell each other about our amazing workouts, runs, accomplishments and whatever else. We also told each other about our stumbles. These women I had never met we're so encouraging, supportive and just really lifted me up. What a happy circumstance to be doing this now with this great group of ladies. 

Friday, December 21, 2012

Personalized Godparents Gift

I love all those letter photos that spell a last name or a special word.  I tried to order from etsy but I couldn't get it personalized the way I wanted.  So, what do I do? I make it myself.  Thanks to Leo Reynolds and his flickr photo collection of hundreds and hundreds of letters and numbers, I have a gift I love!  Hopefully Olivia's godparents will love it too.

I have made these in the past but I actually took the pics (and I'm not that good to be honest) or bought pics (expensive) of letters and put them in a mat that had openings for each one.  This way is not much easier but it does look great and I love being able to add the wording.  First you have to find just the right letter, which for me took for.e.ver! Then I just copied and pasted into publisher.  You can pick any size template or make your own.  I like using the standard sizes so they are easier (and cheaper) to print.  You don't have to save all the pics to your computer~ unless you want to.  I opened the pic up (large) before copying.  It can get kinda blurry when you print if you copy from the smaller sizes. I arranged them in a line then put text underneath it.  I ended up adding 2 text boxes so I could put the lines closer together.  I had the idea to just cut a mat with 3 openings and cover the mat in burlap.  I didn't really have time so I had to have one cut at HL.  Guess what! It only cost $4.80.  The frame was my biggest expense.  It had a mat with 3-5x7 openings. It's a pretty nice frame but it was half off.  You could definitely do it for less than I did if you give yourself more time.  If you're interested in the file I could email it to you.  I couldn't figure out how to post it here.  I used a 11x16 template and it only cost $0.99 to print in color at Staples! I love that place!!! Do you prefer black and white? only $0.20.  Use card stock to print for better quality.  Let me know what you think.

Thursday, December 20, 2012

On the 7th day of Christmas...

I had some people ask to see my 7th day project.  I just took a piece of 12" scapbook paper and cut it to 8x12.  I folded it in 1.5" pieces accordion style.  I used packing tape that is super clear and strong to attach ribbon onto the paper and onto a little circle.  One side says 7 things and the other side says pull.  I attached it to the visor with scotch tape so it would pull down easily without pulling it all the way down.  I took the pics at night with my phone so they aren't the best quality.  This isn't one of my greatest crafts (which is why I didn't post pics before) but the message is what matters, right?

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

12 Days of Christmas (1-8)

Well, it's day 7 of Nic's 12 days of Christmas and he is loving it! I mean who doesn't love getting gifts every single day, right? Day 7 was his favorite (and probably mine too) but here's a little recap of his gifts.  First was this awesome coffee tumbler from Starbucks.  He says it works a little too well... keeps his coffee piping hot for hours!  On the second day he got 2 pair of cycling socks.  I'm not sure what makes them cycling socks (except for the price- geez!) but he's really into mountain biking lately so he was excited.  On the 3rd day I got him a new blue controller for his PS3 (see what I did there?) It was blue too.  That's his favorite color in case you weren't sure. 
On the 4th day I got one of his favorite beers which happens to come in a 4 pack.  This is from a brewery called Great Divide.  They are out of Colorado and probably Nic's favorite.  On the 5th day I gave him a gift certificate for a 5 minute foot massage.  If you know me at all you know this is a HUGE gift as I hate feet more than a lot of things!  I was struggling to find something for the 11th day so I thought I was going to have to do it then. 

On the 6th day I gave him these cool little ice cubes.  They are stainless steel and come in a little container to freeze and store them.  So, here we are day 7.  He is at the fire station today so I thought it would be the perfect opportunity to surprise him.  I made this little accordion style card with 7 things I love about him.  I pinned it up on his visor with a little tag hanging for him to pull and it would unfold in front of him.  He loved it! I think it's so nice just to let your loved ones know just how much they mean to you.  We get so busy with life that sometimes we forget to tell them.  Telling your husband why you love him or what you love about him makes you both feel special. ok cheesefest over...
On to day 8! I can't wait!!! I hope he shares.  I am giving him this salted caramel hot cocoa that has 8 servings and it is SO good!  They also have a toasted marshmallow hot cocoa which I haven't tried yet.  It sounds yummy though so, dear Santa, I would love that in my stocking!  I think I have been mostly nice. What do ya say?  Oh I'd also love a food processor or a terrycloth robe... you know, in case you're wondering.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

It's Christmas time!!!

I love Christmas for all the right reasons... and all the commercial reasons too. I love giving gifts, decorating cookies, hot chocolate, Christmas lights and all that! This year I have not been able to really get into the spirit. This is mostly because I have had so much going on with school, finals, clinicals... stuff like that. I also forgot that you don't get into the spirit, the Spirit gets into you if you let Him. I have been so busy rushing around that I have not been able to "see the forest for the trees" and really appreciate what is all around me. Well, it is only the 13th and it is not too late to start celebrating advent and getting ready for Christmas.  I've started praying more with Olivia and reading her stories about Christ's birth instead of the usual princess stories.  We have been singing Christmas carols instead of lullabies and We're loving it!  We've also enjoyed some of the more commercial aspects of Christmas like Christmas lights displays and shopping.  Tonight we had a little family datenight.  Nic finished putting our lights up before we left.  We went to dinner, saw some lights and came home to see our house lit up with our own lights, some Christmas trees and a couple moving reindeer (LOVE)
 One thing I really enjoyed doing last year was the 12 days of Christmas with my very own Saint Nic. Yes, I know that I do this backwards, but it's just something fun I like to do. So, today is the first day of Christmas (for my purposes) and the 12th day will be on Christmas Eve. Basically, I give him little gifts that correlate with the number of day it is. Like, today... It's the 1st day of Christmas so he gets one blue steel coffee tumbler and I'm hoping Santa puts the matching gold one in my stocking (wink, wink!) Tomorrow he might get 2 of something. The trick is surprising him with it. So, I have to sneak around after he goes to bed or before he gets up... kinda like that dang elf! I have a big HESI exam this morning so I won't get to see his reaction but I'm sure he'll love it. Happy Advent!!!