
Friday, December 21, 2012

Personalized Godparents Gift

I love all those letter photos that spell a last name or a special word.  I tried to order from etsy but I couldn't get it personalized the way I wanted.  So, what do I do? I make it myself.  Thanks to Leo Reynolds and his flickr photo collection of hundreds and hundreds of letters and numbers, I have a gift I love!  Hopefully Olivia's godparents will love it too.

I have made these in the past but I actually took the pics (and I'm not that good to be honest) or bought pics (expensive) of letters and put them in a mat that had openings for each one.  This way is not much easier but it does look great and I love being able to add the wording.  First you have to find just the right letter, which for me took for.e.ver! Then I just copied and pasted into publisher.  You can pick any size template or make your own.  I like using the standard sizes so they are easier (and cheaper) to print.  You don't have to save all the pics to your computer~ unless you want to.  I opened the pic up (large) before copying.  It can get kinda blurry when you print if you copy from the smaller sizes. I arranged them in a line then put text underneath it.  I ended up adding 2 text boxes so I could put the lines closer together.  I had the idea to just cut a mat with 3 openings and cover the mat in burlap.  I didn't really have time so I had to have one cut at HL.  Guess what! It only cost $4.80.  The frame was my biggest expense.  It had a mat with 3-5x7 openings. It's a pretty nice frame but it was half off.  You could definitely do it for less than I did if you give yourself more time.  If you're interested in the file I could email it to you.  I couldn't figure out how to post it here.  I used a 11x16 template and it only cost $0.99 to print in color at Staples! I love that place!!! Do you prefer black and white? only $0.20.  Use card stock to print for better quality.  Let me know what you think.

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