
Friday, March 4, 2011

T is for TRENTA

As if I didn't get enough caffeine already, Starbucks has come out with a trenta.  If you are not a SB addict like myself, you may not be familiar with their sizes. A short is like an extra small. It's only 8 oz.  A tall is a small (I know- I don't get it either) and is 12 oz.  Although it sounds like a large, a grande is only a medium and is 16 oz. Finally, a venti actually has 2 sizes hot and iced. A hot venti is 20 oz.  Venti is Italian for 20- go figure. An iced venti is 24 oz. I guess ventiquattro doesn't really roll off the tongue, does it? I have many favorite drinks but lately I have been ordering an "iced venti, no water, no classic, 2 sweet n low, black tea" It's double strength and just the perfect amount of sweet deliciousness.  It's definitely not your southern sweet tea and I LOVE it!
You might be wondering how I know so much about all this. Well, for one, I think I might have a slight caffeine addiction. Also, I was a barista for a little over a year before I started teaching which I also no longer do... Anyway, the other day I was in the SB drive-thru like I am more days than I should be. The barista said "You know we have a trenta now, right?" At first I thought "Who in the hell needs that much caffeine?!" Then I was like "ME- that's who!")
Trenta is Italian for- you guessed it- 30. But guess what, It's not 30 ounces.  It's 31.  I had my first trenta today.  I was so excited! It took me about 45 minutes to drink it though.  Then I decided that it might also be my last.  This drink is beyond huge! I always feel like a big gulp is so... BIG and it's the same size! I think it's a little like drinking out of a bucket... with a straw of course.  Or like when someone tries to eat a 72 oz steak. Why? Well, I've tried it and this might be TMI but now I have to pee. I'm glad I didn't order this while on a road trip. Oh and I'm totally wired!

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