
Monday, April 4, 2011

Day 5...again.

OK, you caught me.  I totally skipped my workout yesterday so I'm on day 5 again.  I had some very good reasons excuses though.  I absolutely could not find the time to fit it in.  Well, I could have woken up earlier but I went to the firefighters ball and needed to recover. 
I also had a couple other things to do but the worst was my paper.  I had a 5 page formal paper due in my foundations of nursing class.  By the way, I hate APA.  I can not remember the last formal paper I had to write.  I thought about just losing a few points here and there because I was tired of formatting it.  One look at the grading criteria changed my mind.  50% of my grade was dependent on APA and if it wasn't written in that format none of the content would even be considered. UGH! Like I said, I had a lot of excuses.
So, today I am back on track.  I'm going to try not to miss any more workouts but I think that break is just what I needed.  I put off my workout again tonight and even considered skipping it (surprise, surprise) because Livie was under my feet.  I turned it on anyway and decided to just do as much as I can.  When I started moving she would copy me.  It was so cute to see her boxing and doing windmills.  Abwork was hard with a toddler sitting on my stomach but she thought it was fun. Other than that it was the BEST workout I have had so far.  I didn't take any breaks, not even for a second.  I'm still doing girlie pushups but I can do so many more and my endurance has improved greatly! Tomorrow I am waking up at 6:30 again to workout.  I hate getting up any earlier than I have to but I have to make time for exercise early in the day.  The longer I wait, the more likely I am to skip it altogether.  I'm supposed to "run" a 5K this weekend too but I don't really think I'm ready.  I guess I'll find out.

1 comment:

  1. Have you heard of Riverpoint Writer? I have it and it totally helps me format my papers consistent with current APA standards! If you are ever in need of APA assistance, I'm pretty good at it. I can also help you format PowerPoint presentations consistent with APA standards. If you'd like to download Riverpoint Writer, here is the link:

    If that doesn't work, let me know and I'll make sure to find a way for you to get it!

    Your goals really are inspiring me to make changes to my diet/lifestyle. I am thinking of joining the 24 hour fitness close to my apartment!
