
Tuesday, April 5, 2011

I dunno what happened

I wrote something almost a week ago about my 30 day challenge. I saved it as a draft and agonized over posting it. I wrote about the first few days before I posted any of it.  "Why?" you ask. Because in the first post I revealed my actual weight.  It was really hard to do for me because I have gained so much and I'm kind of embarrassed.  Anyway, I finally posted 4 posts at once. I guess I was hoping to bury the first one with my true weight so people may not see it.  I asked myself "What's the point?" I shouldn't have buried it because the whole reason I wanted to put it out there is so that I would feel like I would be held accountable. I would have to do something about my weight because now everybody knows what it is.  Today I went back to see if I had any comments on it and I can't find it anywhere.  I don't know what happened but now I realize that no one has even seen it.  So, here is my first post.  I'm a little nervous about people reading it.  I've decided that there will be people who are really supportive and people who aren't. Hopefully those who aren't won't comment and the supportive people will.


  1. I saw it but commented on I think Day 2 or 3! =) I know how scary it is to put it all out there. I can't do it myself, not even to my husband. So bravo to you and I love and support you! Every time I see one of your posts about how you're doing, you inspire me. So keep it up!

  2. I posted also, but not on that day because that is not what I was dwelling on. I don't care about that number on the scale and neither should you. Whats important is what you are doing to make that number go down. Thats the reason no one comment, no one cares about the number.
